Friday, December 27, 2019

The Bust Of Carol Janeway - 1315 Words

The Bust of Carol Janeway (1943) is a bronze sculpture of an abstracted female half-figure with a long facial expression. Her head is tilted to the right and her face is pointed towards the ground. Only the right side of her face can be recognized as a female head. The back left side of her head has been whipped out only showing her hair and is facing the viewer. The front left side of her head is flat and shows the nose, left eye, and part of the hair. The right eyeball is rolled up into the lids, but an eyeball is still shown. The left eye is replaced by a flat surface with a pointed protruding eyebrow. The harsh line on the eyebrow flattens at the base of the nose and travels down the right side of her face, outlining the nose. She has curly hair that is pulled back into a layered bun. She has a chin that comes to a point at the bottom. The left side of her face is separated from her chin with a sharp line the follows her jaw line. Her neck is irregularly long and thick. It is abo ut the same width as her head. Her shoulders are broad and uneven to each other. They are rested to look as if the figure has just let out a sigh. The right shoulder is flat of on the outer side and the left shoulder is rounded. Her left arm stops a little past her forearm on the wooden base. Her right arm is about double the length of her torso and is curled to her chest. In her right hand she holds the pendant of a necklace between her thumb and index finger, which is inscribed with a dove. The

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Can Additional Training Help Close The Adhd Gender Gap Essay

Can Additional Training Help Close the ADHD Gender GAP? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that is commonly found in children but can persist through adulthood. Symptoms of the disorder include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity; although it is common to have inattention without hyperactivity. About one in ten people suffer from ADHD, ( Most of the time, ADHD is diagnosed in childhood with the average age of diagnosis being seven. Males are diagnosed in childhood at a rate at least two and a half times the rate of females (Graetz et al, 2006). In adulthood, the treatment rate between males and females is similar, which may suggest that ADHD is not more common in males, it is just more frequently diagnosed in males (Kessler et al, 2006). The symptoms associated with ADHD cause strain in social relationships and can lead to a reduced quality of life. Adolescents with the condition have fewer friends, participate in fewer peer related activities, and tend to associate with troubled youth. Adolescents with ADHD are also more likely to have relational aggression in their relationships. With males, the aggression tends to be more physical while with females the aggression is more covert. It is common for adolescents with ADHD to be rejected by their peers. They are often seen as awkward or immature. This social rejection is often more pronounced with females (Quinn et al, 2014). There are other gender specificShow MoreRelatedAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )3918 Words   |  16 Pagesand social interactions across multiple contexts† and â€Å"restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interest or activities† (APA, 2013). In reporting ASD, severity specifiers may be used to describe current symptoms for each domain. Symptoms of ASD can vary and be categorized on 3 different levels: level 1 â€Å"requiring support†, level 2 â€Å"requiring substantial support†, and level 3 â€Å"requiring very substantial support† (APA, 2013). Children with ASD appear to experience sensory problems, leading to highRead MoreIntervention Strategies For Education- Micro4483 Words   |  18 Pagesstudent’ parents are concerned about Tony actions and they are asking for legal action. Tiera a twelve year old is beginning to have problems in school, seemingly resulting from the move to the Anderson Regional School District; she was diagnos ed with ADHD during her last semester in elementary school. Anderson Regional School District Education Improvement- Micro The HOPE Advocacy Center is going to work in Micro level focusing in the individuals which is this case are with Tony and Tiera. The agencyRead MoreFactors That Affect the Academic Performance of the Student Using Computer11401 Words   |  46 PagesBy  Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D. Few would argue that advanced teacher training does not make a difference in student achievement. In fact, Professor William Sanders of the University of Tennessee argues persuasively that the single most dominant factor affecting student academic gain is teacher effect.1  However, little statistical research is available for evaluating which type of training and teaching degree has the best effect on student achievement. As the demand for higher academic achievement andRead MoreStatement of Purpose23848 Words   |  96 Pages(―Preparing Your Statement of Purpose Personal Statementâ€â€"). You can achieve your goal by ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · Convincing readers you researched and selected the appropriate school and graduate program based on research interests that match those of one or more professors Explaining your academic experiences and research interests and goals Demonstrating your knowledge of the discipline or field Revealing the qualities and skills that will help you succeed in a specific academic discipline Demonstrating yourRead MoreCareers and Organization28406 Words   |  114 Pagespeople and from the perspective of the organization. This has led to several changes in employees’ career patterns. The questions that derive from these movements are amongst others what these career patterns mean for organizations and how organizations can benefit from employees’ self-managed career behavior. But what is defined as a career? What is a career exactly? There are different definitions of careers. Bird (1996) states that careers are â€Å"repositories of knowledge that involve accumulation ofRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesFor more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at m. Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 09 08 07 ExamView  ® and ExamView Pro  ® are registered trademarks of FSCreations, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Argumentative Abortion Essay Example For Students

Argumentative Abortion Essay Birth Control or Legal Murder?Approximately 1.6 million murders are committed legally each year. Withthe exception of laws in few states, the mutilated bodies of the victims arethrown into dumpsters like pieces of rotten meat. While these victims laywaiting in the infested dumpsters to be hauled off to a landfill, themurderers are in their offices waiting for their next patienttheaccomplice to the murder. This is the murder of an innocent child by aprocedure known as abortion. Abortion stops the beating of an innocentchilds heart. We will write a custom essay on Argumentative Abortion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now People must no longer ignore the scientific evidence thatlife begins at the moment of conception. People can no longer ignore themedical and emotional problems an abortion causes women. People must stopdenying the facts about the procedure, and start hearing the silent screamsof unborn children.The argument by the pro-abortion side is that the unborn child is nottruly a child. Many people who are pro-abortion justify their beliefsthrough the concept that a fetus is only a blob of tissue until it is born,or the statement: life begins at birth. Abortion is not as simple asremoving a blob of tissue (as the pro-abortion activists put it) from awomans body. Abortion is the destruction, dismembering and killing of ahuman lifean unborn baby. But it is scientific and medical fact based onexperimental evidence, that a fetus is a living, growing, thriving humanbeing, directing his or her own development (Fetal Development). A fetus isnot just a blob of tissue, rather a fetus is Latin for offspring or youngone. Human life begins at fertilization, therefore it is wrong to murderthe innocent child in the womb. At a US Senate Judiciary Subcommitteemeeting, most scientists said that life begins at conception or implantationof the embryo. No scientist at the meeting claimed that life begins at birth(Factbot). Professor Hymie Gordon of the Mayo clinic stated . . by allcriteria of modern biology, life is present from the moment of conception'(Fetal Development). In a 1963 Planned Parenthood pamphlet entitled PlanYour Children it states an abortion kills the life of a baby after it hasbegun. It is dangerous to your life and health (Factbot). Even thoughabortion is dangerous to a womans life, and it kills her baby, PlannedParenthood still offers it as a safe solution. This statement contradictswhat most abortion clinics say. It is not possible for abortion to beoffered to women as a safe solution, when it not only puts her life indanger, but it also kills her child. Not only has science proven that a fetus is truly a human, the simplefacts also confer abortion kills the life of a human being. Life begins atconception because of the fact that life in the womb does not change atbirth. There are no special procedures or changes that occur during birth tomagically change the fetus to a baby. It is already a babya human life. If a fertilized egg is not by itself a full human being it could notbecome one, because nothing is added to it,' said Dr. Jerome Lejeune(Factbot). Most of all the development also takes place before one is born.Of the 45 generations of cell divisions before adulthood, 41 have takenplace before a person is born (Factbot). Fertilization is just the beginningof a long process of growing and maturing. Life in a continuum. From themoment the egg is fertilized a new life has begun. All of the geneticinformation is present to construct a unique individual. Gender, physicalfeatures, eye color have already been determined. The babys heart beginsbeating regularly at 24 days. Babies in the womb hiccup, cry, play, andlearn (Factbot). Life continues from the day of fertilization until death. Nothing is added to a person during a lifetime. Conception confers lifeand makes that life one of a kind,' said Dr Landrum Shettles father of invitro fertilization (Factbot). Abortion is wrong because it ends the life ofa human being. The day of conception marks the beginning of a new humanlife. The zygote is the first cell of a new human being,' said Keith L.Moore. There is no way that the fetus is just a blob of (Factbot) tissue.Scientific and medical facts prove that the fetus is living. They prove thatthe fetus is a person, a human, and functions separate from the mother.According to our law murder is wrong, therefore it is unlawful to kill anunborn child. The child in the womb deserves the right to life.The fetus is a real human being and deserves all the rights and freedomgiven to people under the Constitution. This right is evident in theFourteenth Amendment that states, The State shall not deprive any person oflife, liberty, property, without due process of the law; nor deny any personwithin its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law (Factbot). Abortiondenies babies equal protection under the law, and is depriving a person oflife. Thomas Jefferson stated human rights best when he wrote, We holdthese truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that theyare endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that amongthese are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Factbot). All unbornbabies have the right to life guaranteed to humans under the constitution. .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .postImageUrl , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:hover , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:visited , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:active { border:0!important; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:active , .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u62f95861da8ae98fd6fafaecb0cca98a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb EssayNo other person has the right to take away the unborn childs life, nomatter what the situation is. One must not sacrifice a life to make onesown life better.Many argue that most of the babies that are aborted are unwantedbabies. They believe that they would be abused and neglected. This is whyabortion is okay to them. They believe abortion is saving the child fromabuse. Abortion, however, is the most severe case of child abuse. Theprocedures are painful to the child and intentionally end in death (exceptin cases where the procedure results in a living child. About once a day,somewhere in the US, something goes wrong and an abortion results in a livebaby (Factbot)). The fetus is alive and has the capacity to feel thepainful abortion procedure. The US Department of Health and Human Servicesreported that after nine weeks unborn babies can feel pain, yet 48 per centof all abortions are done after this point ( Fetal Development). The babycan feel all the pain put on it by the painful procedures. The ultra soundshows the baby struggling to survive. Abortionist doctors such as JosephRandall admit that seeing the abortion . . . of the baby on the ultra soundbothered me more than anything else. The staff couldnt take it. Women werenever allowed to see the ultra sound (Factbot). Women should be allowed tosee this. They should see the struggling of the life they are killing. Anearly abortion takes about five minutes and is performed six to fourteenweeks after a womans last period. The procedure is called a suctionaspiration. It is like a vacuum cleaner. A hollow plastic tube with asharp edge is placed into the uterus. The suction tears the baby apart, andthe sharp edge is used to scrape the placenta from the wall of the uterus.Everything is sucked out into a bottle' (Whitney 94). The other commonmethod is dilation and curettage. A curette, which is a loop-shaped steelknife, is inserted into the uterus, and the baby and the placenta are cutinto pieces and scraped out. Both procedures are usually done under generalanesthesia, so theyre not painful for the mother. Of course we know thechild feels pain' (Whitney 94). Another method that is not performed muchanymore is the saline injection; a long slow death process of poisoning thebaby. The saline injection was developed in the Nazi Concentration Camps(Factbot) The most controversial form of abortion is the partial-birthabortion. Using an ultra sound the abortionist grabs the babys legs withforceps and pulls them out into the birth canal. The abortionist thendelivers the entire baby except for the head and continues by jammingscissors into the babys skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge thehole. The scissors are removed and a suction is inserted. The babys brainsare sucked out causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed( Partial). It has been proven that babies can feel pain in theseprocedures. The fetus can feel pain because it is alive and growing like ahuman. Something that is not living cannot feel pain. If one crushes a popcan as the abortionist crushes a baby, the pop can feels no pain because itis not living. The baby feels pain because it is a living human being. Abortion is wrong because it deprives the baby of rights and happinessbecause of the suffering it must go through during the abortion.Women who have these painful abortions suffer emotional stress, andyears after having the procedure they discover that they destroyed a humanlife. The women finally realize after many years of emotional stress thecause of it. After 5-10 years 54 per cent of mothers choosing abortion hadnightmares and 96 per cent felt they had taken a life a from study by DrAnne Speckhard of the University of Minnesota. People need to listen to thewomen who have had abortions in the past to hear what they are really about.From them people can learn much more than a clinic can teach. After havingan abortion, many women can tell a person the true factsabortion ismurder. Recent evidence indicates many women harbor strong guilt feelingslong after their abortions. Guilt is one important cause of child batteringand infanticide. Abortion lowers womens self-esteem and there are studiesreporting a major loss of self-esteem in battering parents,' said Dr.Phillip Ney. There are places that give abortion counseling. However, manyof these places do not give accurate information Accurate information isneeded so women, and men, know that abortion will take away a human life.Ninety-five percent of women who had abortions said their Planned Parenthoodcounselors gave . . . little or no biological information about the fetuswhich the abortion would destroy. Where 80 percent of women who have hadabortions from Planned Parenthood said little or no health information wasgiven to them about potential health risks (Factbot). Women need to be toldthe true facts of abortion. They need to see the fetal monitors. .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .postImageUrl , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:hover , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:visited , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:active { border:0!important; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:active , .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8 .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufaaeafc818888b3bb73ee84f7281edf8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: White Like Me : White Privilege Essay In manyclinics they are not allowed to see the ultra sound. The doctors do not wanta woman to see that the baby inside of her is alive. This is wrong becauseit not only denies the child the rights such as the right to be heard andseen, it denies women the truth. The truth must be told and shown. ShariRichard, an Ultrasonographer, said, In fact many women will come to meconsidering an abortion, and I have been personally told that I am to turnthe monitor away from her view so that seeing her baby jump around on thescreen does not influence her choice' (Factbot). Abortion clinic staffmembers are taught how to sell abortions, told never to give alternatives,and told to tell the women how much trouble a baby is. Women are not toldthe facts. It is obvious from the ultra sound that the baby they arecarrying is alive, and abortion kills the baby. If the clinic can clearlysee that the baby is alive, the mother should also see. Abortion isdescribed as a decision between a women and her doctor. Yet over 90 percentdont even see the doctor until he appears to abort their baby. This shouldnot be the case. The clinics are hiding and withholding the true facts.Clinics need to shape-up and tell the truth to women: Abortion is wrong.Abortion is one of the key issues facing the human race today. Thisissue, like many, forces people to take sides against each other, and is oneof the main factors people look at when voting. In a 1973 court ruling,known as Roe v. Wade, abortion became legal. Since this ruling the number ofteen pregnancies has increased from 4.94 per cent in 1972 to 9. 92 per centin 1990. The number of teen abortions has doubled from 19.9 per thousandteenagers in 1972 to 43.8 per thousand teenagers in 1990 while the number ofteen births has increased from 22. 8 to 42.5 per thousand. The number ofbirths to unmarried women has increased 7.3 per cent during the yearsfrom1972 to 1990 while the number of abortions increased 11. 7 per centduring those years (Factbot). Abortion should no longer be legal. It israpidly becoming a form of birth control. No longer must women worry aboutprotection, if they should conceive a child, they can choose to take itslife. One-third of all babies (Planned Parenthood) are aborted, whichentitles the abortion industry to $500 million a year in income in theUnited States (Factbot). Abortion is the most frequent surgical operation inthe US, and the leading cause of death in Minnesota (Factbot). Currentlythere are two million couples waiting for adoption in America, yet there are30 abortions for every one adoption (Factbot). These statistics are true. Abortion needs to be stopped.There are arguments against the stopping of abortion. However, thereare solutions. Many say abortion should be legal if the womans life is indanger. Only three percent of all abortions are done for the mothershealth, where 40 percent of women who have abortions will have more thanone, and 50 per cent use it as their sole means of birth control (Factbot).As for the argument that women will do them illegally in the back alleysendangering their lives, 72 per cent said they would definitely not havesought an abortion if they were illegal, and death happens during a legalabortion too; maternal death rates for first trimester abortions are 61 per100,000 cases (Factbot).Abortion is clearly the taking of a human life, an action that is wrongunder the United States constitution. Women must stop being denied the factsand start being told the truth. The people of the US must start standing upfor the rights of all people, born and unborn. Abortion concerns not onlythe unborn child , it concerns every one of us. said former President ofthe United States Ronald Reagan (Factbot). Abortion concerns all of us. People need to start caring for the women who are hurting as a result of anabortion, and women who are struggling over the decision. People must tellthem the facts, and work at making the conditions better for women, because84 per cent would keep their babies under better circumstances (Factbot).America needs to open her ears to the screams of the 1.6 million babiesmurdered each year. BibliographyCan abortion be justified? San Diego: Grenhaven Press, Inc., 1991.Factbot. Netscape. Online.Fetal Development. Netscape. Online. Harrison, Maureen, and Steve Gilbert, eds. Abortion Decisions of the UnitedStates Supreme Court: The 1990s. Beverly Hills: Excellent Books, 1993.Is abortion immoral? San Diego: Grenhaven Press, Inc. , 1991.LIFE at the University of Illinois. Netscape. OnlineMelville, Keith, ed. The Battle Over Abortion. Dubuque: Kendall/HuntPublishing Company, 1990.Partial-Birth Abortion. Netscape. Online.Should abortion remain a personal choice? San Diego: Grenhaven Press, Inc.,1991.Should abortion remain legal? San Diego: Grenhaven Press, Inc. , 1991.When does life begin? San Diego: Grenhaven Press, Inc., 1991.Whitney, Catherine. Whose Life?. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.,1991.Psychology

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Islam And Christianity Essays (2136 words) - Prophets Of Islam

Islam and Christianity There are hundreds of religions in this world. Of them two are the most prominent. Islam and Christianity. It is averaged that there are 750 million people practicing Islam, and another 1 billion practicing Christianity. The start of Islam is actually derived form Christianity, history books indicates that one night in the year 610, the first of many revelations came to Muhammad from God by way of the angel Gabriel (In Christianity this is the same Angel which brings the news of Jesus' birth, Jesus of course is the founder of Christianity). The message Muhammad received told him that there was but one God (Identical to the inception of the Ten Commandments), not many gods, as most Arabs believed. This God was creator of the world (In Christianity, it's documented in Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth), and He would one day judge mankind (This is also true in Christianity: "The Lord will judge his people." Hebrews 10:30). Both of these re ligions share almost the same framework, but they also differ in many ways. The word Islam means "surrender" or "submission," submission to the will of Allah, the one God. Muslims are those who have submitted themselves. The basic creed of Islam is brief: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Islam teaches that there is one God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. This God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Because He is compassionate, He calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him. Because He is also just, on the Last Day He will judge every person according to his deeds. On the Last Day, all the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. In Christianity one of the Ten Commandments states that "I am the Lord you shall have no other gods before me", also identical to Islam God is considered the creator of the universe, and he is also just. On the last day, or judgment day, the same holds true as in Islam in the Christian beliefs, the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. Mankind is regarded as the crown of creation, entrusted by God with management of the whole created order. In Christianity this was Adam, who had dominion over all the animals and beasts of the earth. Islam sees humanity as weak and prone to disbelief in God and to disobedience to His will. Humanity's weakness is pride. In the Christian religion it was pride that caused the downfall of man, Eve thought that God had no right to tell them what they could and could not eat. In Islam, God sent prophets to communicate His will. These prophets, all mortal men, were elected messengers to whom God spoke through an angel or by inspiration., identical to Christianity, an example of that was God sending Moses to free his people out of Pharaohs hands. In Islam, they also believe in forgiveness, another basic Christina principle, Islam teaches that God is always ready to pardon the individual and restore him to the sinless state in which he started life. In Christianity this is called being "born again". The life of each Muslim is always within the community of the faithful: All are declared to be "brothers to each other," with the mission to "enjoin good and forbid evil." Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early Islamic community, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. This also happened in the Christian faith, it was known as "Crusades", where missionaries would go out and spread the word of God. The intent was not to force conversion on anyone; this was forbidden by the Koran and the Bible. The object of jihad and the crusades was to gain political control over societies and run them in accordance with the principles of Islam and Christianity. Both took separate paths to accomplish their prospective goals, thus explaining the Islam

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Healthcare Information systems

Overview of healthcare information Technologies Lack of relevant system-wide healthcare Information technology causes significant expenses that come in the form of the increased number of the workforce and wasted time. Research suggests that lack of appropriate IT platforms to deliver healthcare service contributes to over 10% increase in healthcare costs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Healthcare Information systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, IT systems are inextricably connected to healthcare costs for healthcare institutions, which trickle down to the population. Increased healthcare costs have prompted healthcare institutions to adopt cost-saving IT systems to optimize their returns while ensuring the delivery of quality service (Rodrigues, 2009). There are many IT applications from which healthcare institutions can choose to improve the quality of service and reduce costs of delivering heal thcare services. However, every institution must be able to select an IT base that is relevant and appropriate to its condition. Improving the Quality of Medication Information technology has the potential to improve the quality of healthcare services. Studies show that most healthcare providers believe that adopting clinical IT systems improve the extent to which they can deliver quality patient care. IT systems can solve some of the problems posed by fragmented IT systems. Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) has become of the key clinical IT systems that have gained significant application in most clinical and medical institutions (Rodrigues, 2009). Research shows that the application of CPOE reduces the frequency of repeat tests. The quality of healthcare service is connected with the number of repeat tests that a patient undergoes before a successful diagnosis is achieved. Surveys conducted on patients reveals that patients rated physicians based on the number of unsuccess ful diagnosis or tests for their illness. The use of CPOE reduces turnaround times for laboratory, pharmacy and radiography request applications made. Some medical studies have suggested that using CPOE reduces the error frequency during medical surgeries. According to a survey conducted by Bates et al. (1998), the application of CPOE systems had the ability to reduce medication errors by 55%. Out of 11 studies that aimed at estimating the accuracy of medication using CPOE, four studies showed that CPOE achieved to reduce errors, and improved the quality of medication and patient safety. Studies show that the introduction of CPOE as an IT platform is a nonfinancial incentive for healthcare professionals. Surveys conducted in hospitals using CPOE shows that healthcare professionals are motivated to deliver quality service compared to hospitals that did not implement these technologies. It is significant to note that the professionals’ perception of quality service is inextrica bly linked to availability of alternative IT tools (Bates Gawande, 2003).Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recent studies have surveyed the value of using CPOE in ambulatory procedures. These studies suggest that a worldwide application of CPOE can improve quality healthcare among patients while saving their money. Reduction of drug events is a key focus by many physicians (Bates Gawande, 2003). Given this need, many clinicians have indicated that CPOE helps to reduce adverse drug events and other related medication errors because it offers cost effective medications, drug prescriptions, and laboratory tests (Bates Gawande, 2003). Reducing the cost of healthcare The use of Electronic Health Record (EHR) reduces the costs of handling medical records and increases the level of access. Studies show that the costs of collecting, storing, and retrieving medical records can have significant cost implication on institutional costs. One of the main problems facing healthcare professionals is the lack of access to centralized information sharing platforms. Research has shown that the use of EHR has the potential of providing better documentation of patient histories (Bates Gawande, 2003). The extent to which professionals can share medical information with ease enables physicians to use medical histories, which reduces the costs of beginning new diagnosis and medication (Scalet, 2003). Evidence suggests that reduced transcription and medical management expenses are linked with the physicians’ use of electronic health records. According Bates Gawande (2003), financial returns depend on the extent to which a medical organization adapts to effective use of EHR. The paths toward a cost-effective healthcare system stem from getting the critical mass of physicians choosing to use electronic health record systems. Some studies suggest that the use of electronic health recor ds can save up to $20,000 per healthcare professional. The adoption of electronic medical record (EMR) is a centerpiece in reducing the costs of providing healthcare services (Memorial Care, 2010). The use of traditional manila folders is believed to cost many hospitals millions of money due to loss or inaccessibility of critical patient and administrative records. EMR transmits important medical records in real-time and helps medical practitioners to have access to information in a timely manner. This avoids waste of time, which reduces costs of searching and retrieving medical histories (Memorial Care, 2010). Lack of systemized record management increases clinicians’ time and workload, which exerts pressure and workload.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Healthcare Information systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Studies content that it can cost a medical organization over $20,000 per clinician due to errors caused by increased workload and service time. Therefore, implementing electronic medical records has the potential of reducing workloads and extra working hours, which has a significant impact on the quality and cost of providing medical services to patients (Bates Gawande, 2003). References Bates, D. W., Gawande, A. A. (2003). Improving safety with information technology. New England Journal of Medicine 348(25), 2526-2534. Memorial Care. (2010). How electronic medical records reduce costs and improve patient outcomes. Retrieved from Rodrigues, J. (2009). Health Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. New York, NY: Idea Group Inc (IGI). Scalet, S. 2003. Saving money, saving lives. CIO Magazine. Retrieved from This essay on Healthcare Information systems was written and submitted by user Brian Neal to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Should America Be At War

Should America Be At War Should America be at War with Afghanistan? Many citizens in the United States of America believe that our country should not go to war with terrorist forces in a foreign country know as Afghanistan. They fell we will just be resorting to terrorism. Although Tomas Pain once said, ? If a thief breaks into my house burns and destroys my property? Am I to suffer.? Terrorism: Mass-organized ruthlessness. Smashing two, seven-forty-seven jet airliners into two gargantuous builds filled with innocent civilians are an act of terrorism. These civilians had nothing to do with the military. The United States has and will retaliate with more bombings on military quarters. Why should we let these terrorists commit such horrific crimes and the United States not retaliate, it makes no sense. If we were to declare war on Afghanistan it would mitigate some problems that have been corrupting the Middle East for thousands of years over terrorism suspicion slipJust realizing that the Taliban is mad because in World War 2 we moved thousands of Jewish refuges into Pakistani. Their religion also believes in Holy wars. Just realizing this and not doing anything is not going to stop terrorist training camps being created and many more terrorist attacks on our country. Some of us may be sitting here trying to muster up some peace rally. You don?t see the Taliban trying to achieve world peace. They have no representative in the UN and feel they are far superior to any other country and world peace.Declaring war on Afghanistan and the Taliban would help the surrounding countries and even the world. They fell that their religion should be taught to every human in the world and will not stop fighting until they have total religious domination (if you will). This has created many problems through...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lazard US Mid Cap Equity Portfolio Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Lazard US Mid Cap Equity Portfolio - Case Study Example These kind of invest in stocks of companies with solid financial base are return patterns Income equity funds: invest in a mix of bonds and dividend paying stocks as they also target current income and capital growth Balanced funds: have long term objectives and emphasize on capital growth, and current income. Invest in bonds, stocks, and short term securities, and always ensure the right hedging against huge fluctuations in short term investment options. Bond funds: designed to meet the current income requirements of shareholder, and they invest primarily in corporate and government bonds and T-bills Money market funds: invest in securities such as commercial papers, T-bills, certificates of deposit and other stable but monetary related securities. These are currency related investments and no guarantees are made on such funds. Target date funds: These include retirement and pension funds as they are the major types in this category with the date of maturity of the fund known. These kinds of funds are made for strictly long term investments. Lazard US Mid Cap Equity Portfolio Background LZMIX, ticker for the Lazard US mid cap portfolio for institutional shares, is a fund under the hazard investment fund. The fund is a balanced fund for institutional investors that were created in 1997 for this primary reason. The fund as at the 4/30/2012, the net assets of Lazard mid cap Equity portfolio was approximately values at $105.7 million, including $58.2 million worth of shares held institutionally. Recent performance The fund has a yield rate of 0.28% with no loadings applicable to the investment. Expenses incurred in transactions are given at the rate of 0.92%. Morningstar rates the management fee as average level, showing it in line with industry charges. LZMIX turnover is quoted at 83%, while the minimum investment an investment can make is $100000. The fund performance ranges as other in the institutional investment portfolio; weighted against the Russell midcap index is just 0.57 point shy in the period of it has traded. However, in the short run, the observation is not as quite. The funds 5 year valuation gives a negative posting making against its benchmark. The one year measure is also a less value compared to the Russell index. There company funds performance is more of a cycle with high peaks and low troughs, just as the options it invests in. The year to date (2012 to date) gives a strong index value, but not the month- end value, that oscillates back to the negative, showing signs of high volatility in the investment options and maybe weakness in the fund management. Mutual Fund The Lazard US Mid cap equity portfolio is one of the funds in the Hazardnet group that hope to generate strong returns and outshine peers in the market of institutional investment and set the benchmark for the complete market cycle. The fund has a bottom-up loom to stock selection, as is shown by all portfolios held by HazardNet. They conduct the fundamental analysis before investing, with emphasis on sustainability of returns. This is ensured by though analysis of the accounting employed by the companies and the historical statistics of benefits offered, that is, high P/E, dividend yield and stability of stock. Quantitative research is done to ensure that the target company’